Well, I don't really even know exactly where to begin with this post! I guess that is because I am not exactly sure where I am at in life! I think this is a good thinking picture and I feel like I do a lot of thinking lately. Sometimes I think about how behind I am in life because I am still single, not making babies, and just doing my thing every day. Other times I think about how lucky I have been to be able to travel the world and just life life to the fullest! I also think about how lucky I am to have such an amazing job working for Mark and Jenn taking care of their beautiful daughter Sydney. I feel so lucky to say that I love going to my job everyday!
I many times think about all the other places in the world I would love to go but how I don't necessarily want to go to these places alone and single. I am hopefully planning a Europe trip for this next summer but fear I may have to do it single! I think about teaching English in China and how rewarding and fulfilling that would be! I would love to work in the orphanages of Africa giving love to those beautiful babies who don't know what love is. I would love to explore Egypt, Jerusalem, and so many other amazing and incredible places in this world. I many times find myself thinking I would be fine being single for a while longer while I continue to find myself and figure out this life. I think that there are many pros to the single lifestyle! But I also find myself thinking maybe I am too comfortable being single. Maybe I'm only thinking of me and no one else. Other days I think to myself how amazing it would be to teach English in China side by side with the man of my dreams!
Other times I find myself thinking and wondering if the man of my dreams even exists!?? That is definitely debateable.... I wonder if we will ever find each other and what events in our lives have to come to pass before we can be together. I find myself thinking about how much I would love to be a mother and take care of my own babies. I think about how lonely it can be being single when you are the only one in your family who is of marriage age that is still single and alone. I think it changes from day to day and I'm not really sure which one wins out most of the time!! Do I want to be single or do I want to be married?! That is also a great question...
Until that time comes I am grateful for amazing friends who help me through the loneliness. I am grateful for family who are always there no matter what. I am grateful for the Savior who understands my heartache and who I should be a better friend to. I am grateful for my amazing wonderful niece and nephew who always seem so excited to see me! I am grateful for singles wards who have so many different activities to try and help us single people meet each other and get to know one another. I am grateful for the gospel of Jesus Christ and for a knowledge that my Heavenly Father loves me and that he has a plan for me and my life. I am grateful to know that his plan will bring me much greater happiness than my own plan! I am grateful for all the things I am so blessed to have in so much abundance in my life. I am grateful for the time I was able to spend serving a mission and learning so much about me! I am grateful for the person I am. I am grateful for the hard times we have to go through which tend to make the easy times that much better. I know that I am so blessed and just have to remember to count all those blessings when life starts to feel lonely or I start to feel behind as I see so many of my friends enjoying the blessings of motherhood! I too am so lucky to have had the life experiences I have and hope that those experiences will help me to be the best mom I can be someday!